Friday, September 27, 2013

MOUSE Paint color wheels

More Finished MOUSE PAINT Color wheels.
Here is the story mouse paint on you tube.

Umbrella Color wheels 2nd Grade

So  we are finishing up our color wheels in 2nd grade and about to start on the next project which we will be painting a picture using complentary colors.For now enjoy some of my 2nd Grader's finished work


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Art for kids

There wonder opportunities for students to further the interest in the arts. In Tallahassee we have this wonderful resource Called the Council on Culture and Arts. This site has wonderful information for events around town that are child friendly, afterschool programs, and on going camps through out the school year around Tallahassee. Exposure is the key! Here is the link(Coca) to the site and you can click on the picture to go straight to the Coca for kids page

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Twitter Feedback

I was trying to figure out a cool way to do exit tickets in my class. I wanted to know what the students remember or took away from that's day's lesson. So I was scrolling Pinterest, yes Pinterest again, and I came across some one who did a physical twitter board. I said "Awesome" and decided that is what  I will do. So I attempt to have them "TWEET" after every class. This is how it works: 5minutes before class is over I give them all Post it's and they have to write their name, teacher code and the date. After that they just answer the question that is on the Twitter board, put the post it on my twitter board and line up. If I like something they said i retweet it on my twitter feed which is posted all around the room. The students seem to like it and it helps me to see what they are taking away from the lesson. Haaahah also they want there statement re tweeted *wink*


Teacher Tweet: Name two things that you learned today in Art

RT@ Shaward     I learned about the Primary and Secondary Colors

RT@ Samuel   I learned how to mix the Primary Color.

RT@ Roger   I learned about the Primary and Secondary Colors.

RT@ Atlantis  I learned how to Sort Primary and secondary colors on a card

RT@ Lelani I learned how to mix a couple of colors.

RT@ Jernijiah  We learned to mix up the Primary and Secondary Colors together and how to name our colors

RT@ Amonne I learned that Blue,  yellow, and red are primary colors

RT@ J'niyah I learned how to make colors and swatches

RT@ T'liyah  I learned how to paint Primary Colors

RT@ Tyra Today in art I learned Primary colors and I learned if a partner leaves something out you should tell them.

RT@ Jasmine B. I learned about colors. I learned how to do the color wheel.

RT@ Tavares I learned to do ice cream scoops and to learn to do my tweets

RT@ Aaliyah I learned that how Henri Matisse looks.

RT@ Jayla L. We learned about the color wheel           

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Thank you to all the Parents and students that came to the Sabal Palm OPEN HOUSE!!!
I really appreciate you and love teaching your very talented children.


These are some Portfolio covers, These are where they keep all of their work

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hard working 2nd Graders

Hard working second graders making their umbrella color wheel. I was proud.


We are having OPEN HOUSE Tomorrow!!!!!

The way we work. Part 2 3rd-5th grade

Now the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders have a slightly different task when they first enter the art room. They have sketchbook entries. It is a way I can incorperate writing into art. I do this in other ways but this is a guarenteed way that it will be done in class, sometimes we run out of time to do the other writing activities. These do count as apart of their grades.  I wised up this year and made special pages for them to put on the front and on the inside of their sketchbooks instead of having them make them, that took to much time away from working. It is working out well. So next year I will just put that on the supply list.

 There is a prompt on the board and they just follow the directions and they work for just seven minutes.
I really enjoy reading some of their entries. This also introduces them to different artist that I might not have time to go over in depth.

They way we work.

In the art room I know that lots of people think that we,The Art teachers have the messes rooms ever. Paint and water and crayons everywhere. Hahah sometimes this is true, some days and classes are just messy then others. The truth is that you have to be super organized when you work as an art teacher or as a special area teacher. You see over 100 students a day and over 500 students in a week. Hey most people don' t see that many people in a month. Parents don't realized that we see their child plus everyone else child and we are using paint, crayons, paper, glue scissors  and whatever else you can think of all in 45mins. Oh and we have to be cleaned up before the next class arrives in the next five minutes. So we have to be pretty organized to make sure we know what goes where and that the students know what's going on. So here is how we do it at the Palm.
 Students come in and on the table are caddies with general materials like pencils, pens, markers, color pencils scissors and glue. The students like this and I do too because everything you need is right there. I usually try to have all the pencils sharpen, but if not I just sharpen them during class or have some helpers do it.
 Here are the drawers that are in the room for each class from Kindergarten to 3rd grade. When they put their name on their work, they also put the teacher's name or code and the date. Sometimes students or teacher put the wrong work in the wrong drawer, it happens. This helps also at the end of class for students to know where to put the work and it is out of the way so the next class doesn't touch it.
 Each table has a color coded folder which I laminated at the district media center ( I love that place). It has the teacher name so the students know which drawer to put them in after we are done with class.
 So because of the lack of extra pull out drawers. I have given my upper grades, 4th and 5th grade their own personal folders, Thanks sharing tree this would not be possible with out you. They are located on the counter and every thing is labeled.

Just make a mark and see where it takes you

One of the stories I read to my first graders is a book called " The Dot" by Peter Reynolds. It's a story about a girl in art class who felt that she couldn't draw and her teacher encouraged her to just make a mark on the paper and the mark she made was a dot. That dot encouraged her to emerge as an artist and encourage other children to make art. Awesome book! Here are some of our "DOT" masterpieces.



It's a great story and it is not very long. If you don't have the book you can listen to it with your children on you tube.


Well my first Graders are finishing up their MOUSE PAINT COLOR WHEELS. Here are some of the finished color wheels. I was really proud of them, most of them turned out well. I did have some that did not turn out not so well but it was a great improvement from last year and I was really happy about that.

