Wednesday, June 11, 2014

See ya next year

The school year has ended. I had to clear one of my room and the one side of my office area that I use for storage and my ridiculously clutter storage room because of all the repairs they have to do in the room.  I think my projects this year were better planned out and better executed. I am not waiting next year I am going to hit the ground running when they come back in the fall until then, good by 5th graders, Hello kindergartners and welcome back everyone else.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Last week of school

So I found this awesome draw along video on you tube. The website is It has amazing drawing for children of all ages to do and the guy that does the videos has his children draw along with him, so I like the fact that children are on this video also. I did this video with all grade levels. We drew minions! I think they did a great job.

End of the Year: 4th grade

My fourth graders completed their one point perspective projects. I am very proud of them.

If you want to see all of the art work for this project just click the link to the our artsoina gallery

Kindergarten last projects

 We were using recycled materials in the last nine weeks in most of our projects. This was apart of their butter fly project with the paper towel roll. Some of the work for the wings were amazing so I just had to photograph some before they took them away.
 In their books in class they were talking about windy days so we decided to make balloons out of newspaper and scrap yarn. This was a fun project and I can see how much they have matured.

If you want to see the gallery of their projects for the fourth nine weeks click the link to see our gallery. Look for Kites and Sailboats Artsoina

Finished Weavings

I always love it when the second graders finish their weavings. They have such a sense of pride about their work and they are so happy to show their parents. This class really knocked it out of the park. I am so proud of them and I hope their parents love the work just as much as I do.