Monday, October 27, 2014

Kindergarten : 1st NINE Weeks Wrap up

The kindergartners are no longer newbes and have finished a tone of projects for this nine weeks.
In the primary grades I am trying to make it a point to read them at least 2-3 stories every nine weeks.

 We listen to the story the rainbow fish and talked about sharing

 We also talked about Kandinsky and produced our own version of Circles.

 We drew angle fish and colored them, I also added glitter to the fins. The students really enjoyed that part. We also just followed along with the video to
I let them listen to the grouchy lady bug and we created our own grouchy lady bug.

Second Grade: 1st NINE Week Wrap up

Oh my! Its been over a month since I have posted anything. I have been a little overwhelmed with the beginning of the school year. I think I am a little caught up now.

The second Graders finished up their fish and monster projects. Most of them turned out pretty well.
They were having a hard time understanding that the fish are suppose to be the primary and secondary colors. They also kept forgetting that they were suppose to mix the secondary color.

They were also learning about Jacob Lawrence. They had a chance to make on of his paintings. They did not  use paint, I had them use oil pastels. We talked about he told any stories through his paintings. So we did the same We wrote stories about something that happened in our lives and they we illustrated it. They had to write and illustrate the story first, then they could use the oil pastels and redraw their illustration on a bigger paper.